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What are the 4 best ways to play online?

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Online gaming has evolved massively since its inception in the early 90’s. Gamers have a variety of different options to choose from so there is no need to stick to one particular genre.

Although not all games are made equal.

Yes, it comes down to personal preference but there are a handful of different types of games that top the lot.

Experiencing these 4 different ways of playing online will be sure to not only stimulate your brain and bring joy to your gaming experience but could also line your pockets with some extra cash (if played responsibly).

There are other really enjoyable ways of playing online and these should be explored too, but sticking with these 4 ways, for now, will put you in good stead to become the ultimate gamer in future.

Okay, so what are these 4 ways of playing online?

Live Casinos

Live casinos or online casino are virtual casinos which are online versions of land-based/traditional brick and mortar casinos. Since 1994, when the first online casino was launched, online casinos have become a prolific way of making money online.

Online casinos are generally more popular not only because of their accessibility, but also because the odds are usually a bit higher compared to traditional casinos. Customers can expect higher payback percentages on slot machines amongst other games.

Websites like Televega Casino provide a wide range of games; with a particularly wide set of options under the live casino genre. Expect to find options such as blackjack, Texas hold em and live roulette.

Blockbuster games

Blockbuster games are usually released in relation to a blockbuster film that has just been released around the same time. These types of games are extremely fun to play as you get to be characters from the film and complete missions relating to the film's narrative.

In some cases, movies can be made off the back of blockbuster games; this is what happened with Assassins Creed, God of War and The Witcher, with examples ranging even further back in time to films like Mortal Kombat.

Racing games

Okay, so you might not watch racing on TV or be interested in it in general, but bear with us on this one. Racing games aren’t just about finishing first and beating the rest of the competition, they are quite versatile.

Racing games have innovated over the years to make the genre more appealing to a broader audience; Super Mario Kart is a great example of this. Gamers can expect fun and colourful racing circuits with countless weapons to use at their disposal, making it a lot more fun compared to traditional racing games such as Need for Speed, Gran Turismo or Forza.

Strategy games

Strategy games require users to use more of their brain and make them think of their next move instead of mindlessly playing on autopilot. Not that there is anything wrong with playing less complicated games for some quick thrills, but strategy games offer a different kind of satisfaction.

As well as being fun to play, strategy games have been proven to actually boost cognitive performance in several areas. In other words, you can play a really fun game and at the same time get smarter. How could strategy games not be in the top 4?

Now you know the top 4 best ways to play online you’re ready for the fun part, which is selecting your top games from each genre and playing them for hours at a time.



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